When I created the 3DX Discord Server, I wanted it to be a place where artists and fans connected, a place where they could talk openly and freely about their ideas. It didn't have a #discussions channel to start with, because at first, I didn't think people would actually want to talk about politics, but someone thought it would be a good idea to create such, and then it was created, a rule also got applied (by another admin) to say "politics/religion goes to #discussions and stays in #discussions" and I am fine with that, but when people post under #gaming about how politicians are handling loot boxes or how Cyberpunk 2077 are portraying transgender people and it gets told to move it to #discussions... no, really, it is still game related and therefore belongs in the #gaming channel. It the main part of the post is still related to the subject of the channel it should be allowed to talk about it that channel. This is something I would like to see changed and I might need to put my server-owner-crown on and start demanding the changes.
I don't want our mods to be witch hunters, they have better things to do than sit the entire day reading messages from everyone. Let our members be free to speak and allow them to call @mods to action if a problem occurs. This will give both our members and moderators more freedom and I am pretty sure: less fear.
That being said, I also want more mods and admins, to be able to be around 24 hours a day, so that no matter which timezone you are in, there will be at least 1-2 moderators and 1 admin available. We have grown a lot on the active members count, it is time we grow as well.
So I created this little feedback form on Google to allow fans, artists, writers, and voice artists to be able to give us feedback for changes in an anonymous way, so please feel free to fill it out as much as you can! The more data we have, the better we can deliver.
We will have to say goodbye to some admin(s)/moderator(s) and "well, hello there" to some new admin(s)/moderator(s).
I wanted, for a long time to have, the admins/moderators to work together on ideas and to agree with changes, as a democracy, but it often seems like we cannot agree on much anymore and it has been pushing too much drama, negative tone and annoyance between us... It simply cannot be done as a democracy, when someone wants to push people into boxes and others wants to free them.
Remember: Have Fun & Render Hard!
- Clare3Dx